
i’m a 20-something teacher, crafter and relatively-new vegan. i love experimenting with vegan cooking and baking and want to share my love for food with anyone who’ll read it.

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to put it simply, i love food. i’m addicted to food television, own far too many cook books and constantly try to improve my knowledge of food and cooking techniques.

my love affair with food began when i was very young. a time when my very sophisticated palette dictated that every meal should be accompanied by french fries AND pizza. my tastes have evolved since then, and so have my dietary restrictions.

i became a vegetarian 12 years ago, much to the chagrin of my meat inspector-father and nearly-carnivorous brother. i was 16, and this new gastronomic experiment was part teenage rebellion and part distaste for meat. at the time becoming a vegetarian was just that, an experiment. as it turned out, i loved being a veggie! i’d never felt better!

my veganism came about entirely by accident. i’m not going to lie, i love cheese. so in autumn 2010, when i was told by my allergist, that i was allergic to dairy and eggs i was crushed. i had relied heavily on milk, cheese and eggs to supplement my protein intake, and it was a daunting prospect to go vegan full-time. but i knew i could do it.

so here i am – 2 years later – living as an accidental vegan. i’ve been inspired by many chefs (vegan and non) and food writers. i am inspired by the way that nigella can describe the flavour or texture of a dish so eloquently, and how hugh fearnley-whittingstall uses local produce to create innovative veggie meals, and how sarah kramer can make anything my grandmother would have created in her 1950s kitchen into a vegan masterpiece.

i hope that readers new to my blog will find some inspiration here, and perhaps even use my recipes in their own culinary adventures, vegan or otherwise.

theveganpantry [at] gmail.com

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